Kauchuk Factory Club
28-29 November 2024
Offline Format
Plyushchikha, 64/6, Bld. 1
International Forum
Innovations and Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Lectures

  • Blitz-interviews

  • Urological debates

  • Extended discussions

  • Educational trainings

  • Interactive discussion of clinical cases

  • Satellite symposiums

  • Live surgery
  • Urology

  • Oncourology

  • Endourology

  • Urogynecology

  • Laparoscopic urology

  • Andrology and genital surgery

  • Reconstructive urology

  • Functional urology, urodynamics and neurourology

  • Implant urology

  • IT-technologies and biopharma for urology
Meeting Formats
Fields of Medicine
  • More practical urology – master-classes, simulator, live surgery, interactive discussions

  • New formats(blitz-interviews, Highlights session, case study discussion, 60 minutes with an expert, paramedical trainings)

  • Launching the program of inclusion into the team of clinical trial designers

  • Creating RnD reserve for companies

  • Open competition for the best idea for implementation

  • Urological hackathon

  • Science Slam – young scientists fighting on the stage of the Forum

  • Section for the exchange of ideas, complaints and suggestions

  • Patient section
  • Urologists

  • Andrologists

  • Oncologists

  • Oncourologists

  • Surgeons

  • Gynecologists

  • Additionally – Biomedical Engineer
EAAU Forum
is a platform where urology turns interactive
Chairman of the Russian Society of Urologists; Rector of the State I.M. Sechenov First Medical University of the RF Ministry of Health (Sechenov University); Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. M. Sc.; Professor
organizing committee
Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations; Chief Physician of University Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the State I.M. Sechenov First Medical University (Sechenov University), PhD in Medicine
Executive Director of the Eurasian Association of Urologists; Head of the Department of Urology in the Institute of Urology and Reproductive Health, State I.M. Sechenov First Medical University of the RF Ministry of Health (Sechenov University), Dr. M. Sc.; Professor
Executive Director of the Russian Open University; Director of the Science and Technology Park of Biomedicine; Deputy Director of the Institute of Urology and Human Reproductive Health, State IM. Sechenov First Medical University of the RF Ministry of Health (Sechenov University), Dr. M. Sc.; Professor
Urologist; Associate Professor of the Institute of Urology and Human Reproductive Health, State I.M. Sechenov First Medical University of the RF Ministry of Health (Sechenov University), PhD Medicine
State I.M. Sechenov First Medical University of the RF Ministry of Health (Sechenov University)
With the support of
Scientific Program
Yevgeny A. Bezrukov
E-mail: eabezrukov@rambler.ru
Technical Support
Irina Belous
Tel.: +7 (965) 287 85 24
E-mail: info@eaua.pro
Overall coordination of the project
Maria Bakhtina
Tel.: +7 (913) 198 10 23
E-mail: info@eaua.pro
Sales Department Manager
Alexey Kolesnikov
Tel.: +7 (926) 662 57 44
Head of the Sales department
Dmitry Korolyov
Tel.: +7 (926) 924 50 02
public relations
Victoria Kochkonyan
Tel.: +7 (925) 404 42 17